witch name, witches, witch, witchcraft, magick, magic, titles

Guest Post: Self Determined Titles by Michael DeCamp

~~~Bloggers Note: Michael is a guest blogger here, chosen due to the number of years I have been blessed to know him and also for the verified potency of the “energy bombs” he sends to me. These bombs are sent both upon request, and occasionally, they are sneakily dropped on me simply because he feels my drain from half a continent away.

Michael is responsible for many interesting and helpful posts in the group I visit. The entire group has had many wonderful discussions thanks to his posts. He poses questions for thought, offers answers and insights on others’ questions. He shares knowledge gleaned from real life experiences. He is not a part of Sacred Hands Coven and I have never been graced to meet him IRL, but have been blessed to have him as a personal friend for a few years now online. Thanks for permission to post, Michael!~~~


As we go through this life, we come across words that hold meanings for us as individuals; meanings that differ from person to person.

Before my awakening, to me, magic was what I saw on TV and in movies. Merlin was a wizard of myth and legend, and magicians were tricksters. Later, I was made aware of Native American titles: Medicine (Wo)Men, Shamans, and Dream Warriors, each with special gifts.

After my awakening into the start of my path, I chose the title of healer. It was the first ability I worked on and studied. However, as I grew into my other abilities, the title I chose changed. I thought of myself as a magus, a sorcerer, enchanter, and even an adept.

The more I learned to do, the more my ‘identity’ changed, as my identity changed, so did my title. Again, these titles were self-defined. Determined as I saw how they fit me as a person.

Finally, eleven years after my first awakening to the spirit/occult/divine path, I came to my final title. My personal identifier. I had just stumbled upon my current path; a path of balance. It was during this reaffirmation of my beliefs and values that my personal title identifier changed to what it remains today. I am an Energy Weaver.

My gifts allow me to tap into multiple energy threads. I see different energies as different and distinct colors. I follow their courses through everything perceived. It is a very uncommon ability, apparently. I have discovered only a handful of individuals who relate to energies, and their uses, in the same manner.

This is who I am. This is my personal title.

I hope that others, through personal introspection and exploration, can find who they are. Perhaps you don’t need a title. Perhaps you identify with a title already. Whichever the case, as long as you are comfortable with whom you are within the mindset of magic and the occult; this is what matters most, in my opinion.

Love spell, love, love magick, love magic

Pagans and Love Magick

A friend asked me the following question: Ugh why do pagans get all uptight about love magic?

I knew exactly what she meant, as I have seen witches ranting and raving over the years in person, and online in forums and groups. Witches, Pagans, Wiccans, Druids, Eternalists, et. al. have different rules and beliefs depending on where they studied, who they trained with, what they individually believe, etc. so there are as many answers to the question as there are voices to speak. I am one who believes we are all set on paths for growth and learning once we are born. Some call it fate, destiny, kismet, or by some other name. I simply call it living. Can we change our paths? Of course! Should we change our paths? That must be up to the individual. However, the question of should we change the paths of others? Well, for me, that one is a hard no.

My belief is we each have things to learn, to experience, to grow from during each incarnation and I do not believe they should be missed. We are here to learn and grow as people. We are here to learn from others and to teach others, to share experiences and improve ourselves each time we return.

As such, for love spells, I have a hard line on those as well. Just because we are witches, spell casters, magicians, ones who employ magick to change the world around us, does not mean we have the right to do whatever we please, whenever we pleased.

If a spell is meant to compel love from someone specific who does not feel it, no. If a spell is meant to force an affection to grow deeper, or to prolong it beyond its natural life, then I believe it is best not done. When someone we want to love us does not, when someone we still love is ready to move on, there are lessons for all involved. Of course, they are not necessarily pleasant to experience. Not all lessons are supposed to be enjoyed. Cheating yourself, or someone else, from a lesson by employing magick is a choice you must decide for yourself.

If someone asks your opinion, give it. As far as I am concerned, I remind them that they are cheating themselves and everyone involved if they interfere. Say if Jane does a spell for Joe, she cheats them both out of the correct love experiences that they are supposed to have this incarnation. Then add in the guy, Frank, she is actually supposed to end up with, and the Amy that Joe was supposed to end up with and each of the people they end up with instead of their true intended. Keep magnifying the damage as the ripples echo out exponentially with each inappropriate relationship caused by the spell.

Instead, remind people if they want to do a spell for love, they should one to improve themselves, or to hasten the love that they are supposed to have into their life. Even then, if a wait was supposed to temper them before they meet “the one” for them, they can do more damage than good for themselves and their intended love.

As always, this is MY way of belief, not THE way everyone believes.