So sorry all, new laptop!

Yes, I know, seems to be a never-ending list of issues with the uploads this past year. Old laptop finally died, now I have to figure out a way to get all the finished and half finished articles off the old system so I can work on them and upload them here. I have allowed distractions to overtake me and I apologize for the inconvenience of no new posts. I will do my best to get started on the transfer ASAP.

Thank you for your patience, one and all.

Heather Treehugger




It has been quite a while since our last post and I apologize for the tardiness of the apology and explanation. What started as a brief hiatus to work on a book, became much more lengthy due to sudden and time-consuming health issues these last three and a half months which necessitated the lengthier absence.

Though still adjusting to the new reality with the on-going health issues, we are determined to get back in the saddle of both the book and the blog. Again, I am so sorry for the length of time between posts.

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